When In Rome…

Ancient Roman SewerAncient sewers are a fascinating subject, I’m talking about sewers that predate the Bevilacqua’s (sorry Fred I had to put that in there!) Roman sewers were all about ingenuity and craftsmanship. They built a system of eleven aqua ducts for the citizens of Rome. Their toilets were an early type latrine with simple holes cut out of wood planks, I think everyone knows this already, however, what I found interesting is how they were cleaned. Romans would use sea sponges attached to sticks to clean the latrines. They also, had moving water to help move the waste to a central channel where it would then go to a river or body of water.

The first sewers of Rome were built around 700 BC and at that time they were mainly developed to remove marsh water away. Sewers for removing human waste didn’t really start until Cloaca Maxima, this terms literally means Great Sewer. Its construction dates back to 600 BC. So there ya have it…from 600 BC to modern days trenchless sewer repair.

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