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Patience is a virtue. So they tell us. Well here we really understand what this truly means. Our trenchless sewer reline contractors receive requests for some really large jobs. One of our contractors loves to travel and will bid on just about anything, matter of fact he prides himself on solving the jobs that no one else can solve. He once said to us these big trenchless sewer repair jobs can take 6 months or a year to finally drop.

Well low and behold a job that he bid on is closing and it is a 3 year multi phase job. So we now understand the phrase “patience is a virtue” cause this is a sweet job!

We find it very satisfying that the work we have put into our system and the fact that many people find our trenchless pipe lining contractors is a rewarding job. Everyday we wake up and we don’t know who is going to call or what job will fall into our laps.

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