Bonus Miles And Bonus Points

Our trenchless reline contractors are willing to travel and boy do they ever. We have a particular contractor who travels from Michigan all the way down to Alabama. Along they way he has relined just about everything you can think of, from, churches to schools, to public works jobs and small residences. Matter fact his trenchless pipe relining skills are among the very best in the country. The draw back is you can never get him on the phone! Sometimes in life there are always trade-offs as we would much rather see him lining than speak to us anyways.

We also work with many C.I.P.P. contractors that have done very large jobs and as a result they will travel to do them. There are still many place in America where there isn’t anyone able to do the work. Just the other day we were speaking with our trenchless sewer repair contractor in Denver and he accepted a job in the middle of Wyoming. Did I mention it was a hospital reline job at 8 inch? So in this case it was well worth it to travel.

So travel on contractors and with us you rack up Bonus Points with all your Bonus Miles.

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