To Trench Or Not To Trench – That IsThe Question

When speaking with our plumbing partners nationwide I am consistently impressed with the passion that is displayed with trenchless sewer repair. Moreover, the passion with offering a “green” solution and a commitment to preserving the integrity of ones yard. I recently tweeted about a mature avocado tree in Orange County, Ca, why would you want to dig that up? Admittingly so, I like others, are probably biased when it comes to taking out such a desirable fruit or is it a veggie, whatever, they are delicious!

Trenchless sewer relining is truly a passionate art form as I have seen first hand. The days of trenching or having a menacing backhoe drive onto your lawn are pretty much over. Is it odd that I honestly enjoy hearing our plumbers tell us that they saved another tree, driveway, porch, landscaping or anything that a sewer line can run under? Trenchless sewer pipe relining is here to stay and a welcome solution to many a nightmare scenario. Matter of fact potable water relining is just as exciting! Why tear up floors or walls when you can shoot a liner? Anyhow, we will cover more on that topic at a later date.

So, clearly the answer is NOT TO TRENCH!!

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